Terry, Maintenance Manager
"From top to bottom, everyone cares about each other. People are just nice here! They want you to be the best you can be and they’ll do what they can to help.”

Having worked his way up from Plant Operator to a leadership role, Terry’s technical expertise and knowledge of the company’s business processes span across three decades. Initially drawn to Gopher Resource for the job security, he’s still here over 20 years later because of the people. While he’s impressed by the talented team he’s fortunate to be part of, he is particularly inspired by the engineers. “Our engineers and research & development… I’d put them up against anyone in the world. This plant has the same footprint as ever, yet we now produce nearly twice as much.”
We make a real difference here. Many companies say they recycle, but we REALLY recycle – everything is used 100%. We minimize waste as much as possible.